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- Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana
- Start with yourself! How can you change your lifestyle to improve your health, finance and relationships? Set goals for yourself that work towards something you really want, not just something that sounds good. Write your goals down to develop the roadmap to your success and visit them frequently. Think of the lifestyle you can obtain by being an I...ndependent Consultant with TIENS and don’t give up! Not only are you achieving a healthier lifestyle by using our products, you are also making money by helping others with their health, finance and relationships. Good health, a promising financial future and better relationships ultimately provide a happier life; Take the important step closer to Health and Wealth before we start the year 2011. Talk to Francis on 0244436357. Join the Tiens Distributors Club today to reshape your future for the better. ID:-96122970
Monday, 14 February 2011
Vega Power Tonic is a natural combination in the form of capsules or soft gelatin capsules
Each capsule contains Natural Royal Jelly of ginseng extract of Damiana Extract of Saw palmetto extract and extract Muira Muamer.
Damiana Extract
Damiana is a small shrub native American southwest, including Mexico and the West Indies. It was used by the Mayans and Aztecs as a sexual and dating back to treat respiratory disorders. Some use it as a water pipe as a prelude to sex. It was also burned ceremonial manner to allow participants to have visions. Damiana has been used for thousands of rustically years in Latin American cultures as a sexual stimulant. Growing in a dry climate and rocky, it is a shrub with small yellow flowers that typically found in areas of southwestern Mexico, California and Texas. Considered a general body tonic, Damiana is a plant long regarded as the preserve of men, but it may be used against a variety of diseases in both men and women.
- Damiana affects the nervous system by acting as an anti-depressant relieving anxiety, nervousness, while promoting the general feeling of wellbeing.
- Damiana also stimulates circulation. Accordingly, it raises the energy levels to alleviate fatigue and stimulate weight loss. It can also be used to relieve constipation, cons headaches caused by menstruation and fluids resulting from asthma, colds and flu.
Several studies have been conducted on the essence of Damiana oil, which contains many small substances called terpenes fragrance. Until proven otherwise, we could not determine if the essential oil of Damiana is the main active fraction of Damiana.
- The leaves also contain the antimicrobial substance known as arbutin, alkaloids and some other potentially important compounds. It is also used in conditions such as depression, (since this is a good calming mood that leaves many people with a sense of happiness and well-being), anxiety, sexual impotence, the debility, night sweats, amenorrhea, gastric ulcers and constipation.
- Damiana contains substances such as terpenes, beta-sitosterol, arbutin, alkaloids and various aromatic oils that contain the stimulant effects on the sexual apparatus and reproduction. These nutrients help to restore and enhance sexual function by increasing blood flow to organs, promoting general health of the reproductive system. Damiana also acts as a tonic against sexual debility and nervous.
Potential benefits:
• A powerful aphrodisiac and a sexual dating. Enhances sexual desire and performance
· Increases blood flow in organs
· Increases the sperm count in men and women strengthens ova
· Relieves anxiety and promotes sense of well-being
· Strengthen energy and helps
· Strengthen energy and help in case of weakness and exhaustion
· Help to restore the balance of female hormones and relieves the symptoms of menopause
· Relieves constipation
· Acts effective against bronchitis and asthma
Sexual stimulant
It was recently confirmed that the Damiana enhances sexual performance. Damiana was traditionally used as a sexual stimulant, increasing the duration of erection or as an aphrodisiac. The ancient Mexican cultures used Damiana as an aphrodisiac. It was also used against diabetes, dysentery, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, headache, paralysis, nephritis, spermatorrhoea, stomach ulcers and syphilis. The leaves are used in Germany against the mental stress, nervous debility and as a tonic for central nervous and hormonal systems.
Other reports mention that Damiana was traditionally used against frigidity in women and impotence in men. This plant is considered capable of increasing production of male hormones.
What is interesting is that Damiana is traditionally used by women suffering from hormonal deficiencies such as menopause.
* Dr. James Balch reported in his book "Prescription for Nutritional Treatment" that Damiana relieves headaches, fight against night sweats and stimulates muscular contractions of the intestinal tract. He commented also that damiana acts on iron absorption when it is administered orally. In addition, 3 to 4 grams of powdered leaves are eaten twice a day (as a tea, capsule or otherwise) in case of sexual weakness.
* EF Steinmetz states that in Holland, Damiana is renowned for its ability to promote sexual organ and its positive effects on the reproductive system. The British Pharmacopoeia gives the following virtues Damiana: combat anxiety neurosis with a predominant sexual factor, depression, nervous dyspepsia, constipation and coital inadequacy.
* Scientists Americans were awarded to have developed a combination of herbs for women. They show that damiana could relieve anxiety, depression, headaches during menstruation and general fatigue. Damiana may also help to balance female hormone levels and control overheating.
The nervous system
Damiana is an invigorating important for the nervous and hormonal systems. In particular, it has a stimulating action on the development and functions relating to the male reproductive system, especially when it comes to sexual failure accompanied by strong emotional and psychological indices. However, the alkaloids have an "effect of testosterone." That is why it is used as an antidepressant for anxiety and depression where there is a sexual factor.
Some argue that taking tea could have a relaxing effect. In any debilitating condition of the central nervous system, it is beneficial to use Damiana. It is also used to hinder the development of genital herpes.
Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto is a small palm tree that grows along the Atlantic coast of southern United States. The seminal Indian rejoiced fruit as an important part of their diet. There are fifty years ago, researchers discovered that its fruits have medicinal properties and began using them to treat urinary problems.
In Indian medicine, saw palmetto was used to treat testicular atrophy, impotence, prostatitis, especially as it increases the ability of contraction of the bladder and allowing it to easily evacuate its contents. It is also used to improve low libido in men and as a general tonic to fuel the body.
Saw Palmetto is traditionally used in the treatment of infertility, underdeveloped breasts, developed, increases the amount of milk in the breast, painful menstruation cons, anti-inflammatory, appetite stimulant, a tonic and expectorant mucous membranes, especially those of the bronchial tubes.
The fruits of Saw palmetto has also been used to treat several disorders of the urogenital system. Saw palmetto is specifically used for impotence, infertility, problems with reproduction and reduce inflammation and swelling of the prostate. Saw palmetto is a tonic to the urethra. It increases blood flow to sexual organs. Diseases of the reproductive systems of women as well as rights have also been treated by saw palmetto.
Relieves prostate complaints and irritable bladder:
- Saw palmetto contains some phytosterols, substances that appear to interrupt the growth of prostate cells. Its action in the body is probably similar to the end starfish and other drugs.
- Studies reviewed 18 trials of saw palmetto.
- It improves urinary tract symptoms, including nocturnal urine, about 25%. Men consuming saw palmetto knew improvements than twice those absorbed placebo. In Germany, other studies tend to confirm the effectiveness of saw palmetto.
- These results have led the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) to conclude that there is a "moderate evidence of effectiveness" of saw palmetto in men experiencing benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The USP is a semi-governmental agency that determines the standard conditions for manufacturing drugs and advises health professionals on their appropriate use. The problem of a swollen prostate gland or benign prostatic hypertrophy torments one in two men beyond the age of 60. If the enlarged gland presses against the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder outside the body, the simple act of urination can be difficult.
- Surgery may unlock the way, but because the prostate is surrounded by nerves, patients run the risk of incontinence and impotence. Prescription drugs provide some relief for some men, but the risk reduction of sexual appetite or dizziness is present. And there is no evidence indicating that regime change could help improve the situation.
- Today, saw palmetto is widely used in Europe as an alternative to conventional treatment for BPH, theExpansion of non-carcinogenic prostate gland, a condition that affects half of men aged over 50 years. The prostate is a gland that surrounds the bladder neck and urethra in men. When the gland swells, it narrows the urethral tract causing difficulty in urinating. The men in these conditions need to urinate frequently and urgently but that is often difficult and painful. A government review has published the results of 18 studies involving 2,939 men in November 1998. A subject of the Journal of American Medicine concluded that saw palmetto was effective as a prescription drug for improving symptoms of BPH.
- The active substances are: fatty acids extracted from the fat part of the fruits of saw palmetto. These substances do not actually shrink the prostate gland, but they appear to reduce inflammation and prevent or slow the growth of new prostate cells. In men suffering from BPH, the extract of the fruit of saw palmetto appears to have an effect similar to a prescription medication without side effects such as impairment of libido, ejaculation problems and loss of erection.
General Properties:
Saw palmetto acts in general as anti-catarrhal especially since it eliminates the states of mucus.
It is a Anti-galactagogue because it prevents or decreases the secretion of milk; an anti-inflammatory because it acts against and reduce inflammation or its effects. There is also a antiseptic as fighting and neutralizes pathogenic bacteria and prevents infections. AntispasmodicAnd it prevents and relieves spasms. An aphrodisiac in that it stimulates sexual desire. An astringent since it has a constricting effect. It is uNo cardiac tonic and a restorer of the heart. DiureticIt increases the secretion and flow of urine.
An expectorantIt helps to loosen phlegm from the respiratory tract. UNo hormone It has a normalizing effect on the reproductive system. A NervionIt strengthens the functional activity of the nervous system. A NutrientIt aids digestion of food and nutrition contains properties. A ParasiticideIt kills parasites and worms. A sedative because it has a tranquilizing effect and softening. Sedatives may be local, nervous, vascular. A stimulant, it increases internal heat, clears the internal freshness, strengthens metabolism and circulation. A tonicIt restores, nourishes and supports the entire body and is a substance that exerts a gently invigorating effect on the entire body.
Muira puama extract
The Muira Puama, also called "wood stem" is a small tree that grows to 5 m above sea level and is originally from the Brazilian Amazon and other parts of the Amazon rainforest. The small white flower has a pungent flavor similar to jasmine.
Historically, all parts of Muira Puama has been used medically, but the root and bark are the most used parts of the plant. It was used in the Amazon for a long time by indigenous peoples for a number of objectives. Natives of the Brazilian Amazon using the buds and roots of the young plant as a tonic to treat neuromuscular problems. A decoction of the root is used in baths and massages for treating paralysis and a tea composed of root and bark is used to treat sexual debility, rheumatism, influenza, asthenia, cardiac and gastro-intestinal. It also prevents baldness. In homeopathy Brazilian Muira puama is still considered a great sexual stimulant with a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac. It is part of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia since 1950. It is used as a tonic against neuromuscular weakness, paralysis, dyspepsia, menstrual disturbances, chronic rheumatism, sexual impotence, influenza, ataxia and disorders of the central nervous system.
Muira puama is now used worldwide in homeopathy. Early European explorers took care to note the uses made of the indigenous, aphrodisiac qualities and brought it to Europe where it is part of natural medicine in England. It is still part of the plants of the British Pharmacopoeia. It is also used in Europe to treat impotence, infertility, neurasthenia, dysmenorrhea and dysentery.
Actions of Muira Puama:
The nervous system
In Germany, Muira puama is used as a tonic central nervous system, against hookworm, period pains and rheumatism. The Muira puama always win popularity in the United States or herbalists and healthcare practitioners are trained to use cons impotence, depression, menstrual cramps and PMS, neurasthenia and central nervous system disorders.
Scientists began to research the source and effectiveness of Muira puama in 1920. Early researchers discovered that the root and bark were rich in fatty acids and esters of fatty acids, essential oils, plant sterols, terpenes and sorting a new alkaloid which they named "muirapuamine. From 1960 to 1980, scientists have continued to do research on plant constituents and pharmacological properties.
These studies indicate that the active components also include long-chain free fatty acids, sesquiterpenes, terpenes, mono and new alkaloids.
Sexual stimulant
In one study, researchers showed that Muira puama was effective in treating disorders of the nervous system and sexual impotence. It is equally useful in cases of locomotor ataxia, neuralgia caused by prolonged standing posture, rheumatism and partial paralysis. In 1930, penna Meiro wrote on Muira puama in his book Notas Sobre Plantas Brasileira. He cited the physiological and therapeutic experiments conducted in France by Dr. Rebourgeon which confirmed the efficacy of the plant cons "asthenia gastrointestinal and circulatory and genital impotence."
The benefits of treating impotence with Muira puama have been studied in two human trials in France reported that Muira puama was effective against the weakening of libido, erectile dysfunction. In Paris, France, a study among 262 male patients who have experienced a lack of sexual desire and inability of penile erection. 62% of patients with loss of libido reported that Muira puama "had a dynamic effect and 51% of patients with erectile dysfunction have appreciated the beneficial effect of Muira puama.
Restoring force
- In other recent clinical studies, extracts of Muira puama have been reported for adaptogenic effects in vivo anti fatigue, anti stress effects "CNS" in humans and animaux.Un special extract from the root of the Muira puama has been patented for its ability to "relieve the physical and mental fatigue" and to "improve a weakened condition . Researchers in Brazil have documented an effect "CNS" final bark in studies with mice.
- The bark of Muira puama is deemed to have a soft, short and hypotensive. The root was used to inhibit the stress caused by gastric ulcer, while the leaves were deemed to have analgesic effects. Other American studies have been conducted on Muira puama indicating that it may reduce the percentage of body fat, increase lean muscle mass and lower cholesterol in humans as well as in animals if used long term. It contains no toxicity.
- While the alleged aphrodisiac move back and forth in history, Muira puama the able to maintain its stature and may well provide one of nature's most therapeutic approaches effective in improving erectile function and libido. Before you begin to treat themselves, we must always seek the advice of a health practitioner (whether they actually suffer from erectile dysfunction or impotence), often it can be a warning of vascular insufficiency and / or cardiac conditions.
The capsules of Vega Power contain a balanced combination of five known active compounds for their effects on activities physical, biological and sexual.
• For improving the biological function
• For the improvement of sexual activity
DOSAGE: 1 to 2 capsules per day
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
This tea helps fight poor health and enhances the general well being of all the organs. Detoxification enhances your health. This tea is a good detoxifier and it enhances the ability of the liver to cleanse out toxins.
Due to the amount of liquid in our bodies, this tea is easily absorbed and the medicinal functions show up faster. The tea is nicknamed “Miracle Tea” or “Magic Tea” by the public, because of the functions it performs in their bodies.
• It breaks and cleanses cholesterol from the blood vessels
• It fights free radicals and detoxifies the body
• It invigorates the spleen and the stomach, promoting healthy digestion and efficient waste excretion
• It helps with lowering lipids
• It reduces fever
• It boosts the immune system and internal energy levels
• It helps the central nervous system to function properly
• It helps relieve alcoholism and its effects
• It has laxative properties, making bowel movements easy
• It is very effective in treating stomach ulcers
• It helps fight viral and bacterial infections.
Zinc has been considered an essential element since the 15th century. It activates more than 100 different enzymes in the body, including visual and digestive enzymes. Studies show that zinc accounts for one-sixth of the brain. It is core to advanced thinking, important in learning language and storing information. Zinc deficiency may lead to memory loss, movement impediment and muddled thinking. It may cause early onset of dementia.
The amount of zinc added in Tiens Zinc supplement is in line with an individual’s recommended daily nutritional needs. Each capsule contains 0.8-1.2mg zinc.
Zinc can be derived from food, vegetable and meat, but the absorption rate depends on the person’s stomach acid concentration and other factors that may make absorption and utilisation difficult. This supplement is composed of lactic Zinc, which has a high rate of absorption, but not the pernicious effects of phytate and phytic acid. It is the ideal supplement and, we can confidently say, the best zinc for every adult. It also contains glucose and egg protein powder.
• Essential for normal growth and development of reproductive organs.
• It is useful in the maintenance of viscera organs in the body.
• It helps eye health by converting Vitamin A to its biologically active form to fight foggy vision & short sightedness.
• It combats infertility, low sperm count, impotence, hormonal imbalances and frigidity.
• It helps libido by improving sex drive and preventing premature ejaculation.
• It helps prevent cancers and stomach ulcers.
Cordyceps supports overall good health, strengthens human
resistance to disease builds strength, endurance and stamina.
A high-tech process is used in the culturing and separation of
Cordyceps Mycelium for the preparation of this product.
Owed to its scarcity and high price, Cordyceps had always
been reserved exclusively for the Emperors’ indulgence; and until
recently, it has been virtually unknown in the Western world.
Supports the Immune System:
• Strengthens the immune system
• Reduces fatigue
• Promotes vitality, and longevity
• Protects the body against the damaging effects of radiation and tumour formation
Supports the Respiratory System:
• Helps improve symptoms of asthma and bronchitis
• Promotes healthy lung function
Supports Kidney Function:
• Promotes healthy kidney function
• Acts as a kidney tonic
• Increases brain performance
• Ensures normal function of body organs
Spirulina Capsule is considered to be an ideal 21st Century food or food supplement because of the properties it exhibits. The nutrient content of 1g of Spirulina is equal to that of 1000g of fruits and vegetables.
The beneficial properties of Spirulina Capsule include a superior form of nutrition, immune system support, and cardiovascular support, liver support, maintaining cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range, providing aid in digestion, and enhancing natural cleansing and detoxification.
• It enriches with more than 18 kinds of amino acids and vitamins, carotenes, linolenic acids as well as trace elements.
• It can effectively regulate the balance of human bodily organs, facilitating metabolism and controlling blood fat.
• It can help relieve fatigue and invigorate the spleen, control phlegm as well as regulate blood pressure.
• Tiens Spirulina Capsules contain natural dry Spirulina powder processed from Spirulina farmed in uncontaminated lake areas. This is a purer form of Spirulina than those, which have been cultured.
• Spirulina is microscopic blue-green algae whose cells form the shape of a perfect spiral coil. Research confirms Spirulina promotes healthy digestion and bowel functions. Natural enzymes contained in Spirulina also help to release valuable nutrients from the foods that nourish our bodies.
• Spirulina is being developed as the "food of the future" because of its amazing ability to synthesize high-quality concentrated food more efficiently than any other algae. Most notably, Spirulina is 65 to 71 percent complete protein, with all essential amino acids in perfect balance. In comparison, beef is only 22 percent.
Tiens products are perfect in the cure and management of ailments such as Diabetes, Asthma, Stroke, BP, Ulcer, Backaches, Waist and Joint pains, Eye Problems, Body Odour, Halitosis [Bad Breath], Gum Bleeding, Premature Ejaculation, Menstrual irregularities, Impotency, Infertility, Epilepsy, General Body Weakness etc.
Please call Francis on
024-4436 357
027-9427 422
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